Is Coaching For You?
Coaching is a perfect next step if you set a goal or intention to:
- Increase fundraising revenue
- Build strong Board expertise and relationships
- Manage staff for greater productivity
- Improve your own productivity or time management habits
- Clear the obstacles from your path to make it easier to attain your goals
- Better integrate your personal and professional lives
- Explore your curiosity about how to access the power of neuro-scientific techniques
Skeptical? Not a problem as long as you’re willing to come with an open mind.

Coaching Strengthens Leadership Skills
Coaching strengthens your organization’s ability to achieve its goals and build capacity.
While any topic is fair game for coaching, here are some of the most common topics/issues that leaders identify as most important:
- Fundraising Success
- Money Mindset
- Burnout
- Board Development
- Staff Relationships
- Story Brand Development
- Productivity
- Time Management
- Stress Management

- Procrastination
- Perfectionism
- Imposter Syndrome
- Confidence
- Resilience
- Self-Sabotage
- Fear of Failure
- Decision-making
- Overcoming Negativity
- Integrating work and
family life

Break Through Limiting
Beliefs and Patterns
Identify and shift those self-imposed barriers that keep you from realizing next level success.
You can learn all the best business strategies and tactics, but if you’re not doing the personal growth inner work to back it up, you’ll hit a self-imposed plateau every time.
Coaching is your secret weapon for amplifying your success in every area of your professional and personal life.
It’s based on the latest research in neuroscience, communication, leadership and professional development.
It strikes the perfect balance between taking action and introspection.
Want to learn what’s possible in your life and career? See you on Zoom!
Coaching is not for you if you are...
- Unwilling to come with a learner’s mind
- Too busy to commit to showing up on time for Zoom call appointments
- Resistant to following through on the work you agree to do
- Are suspicious of the power of neuroscientific principles to influence and change your thoughts, feelings and results
- Looking for a magic formula or easy fix
- Expecting to be told how to reach your goal
- Negative about the process
- Actively coping with depression or anger management issues